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Overview: With so much of the car buyer’s journey taking place online, it’s time to embrace digital retailing and the power of technology. Let’s take your digital marketing & sales process to a whole new level. Stream Companies’ Bill Parlaman and DealerSocket’s Eric Giroux are joining forces to share best practices from dealers like you who are dominating their market with digital retailing. You’ll come away ready to revamp your modern retailing experience and sell more cars in 2021. View this webinar to learn how to:
  • Strengthen your brand to drive more traffic to your website with multichannel digital marketing strategies
  • Enhance the on-site experience for your shoppers with digital retailing tools and technology
  • Ensure clicks convert to conversations
  • Create a memorable experience for your online shoppers

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Webinar Presenters:

Eric Giroux
VP, Product Management

After spending time directing digital marketing for a 12-store automotive group in Kansas, Eric Giroux became one of the early members of the DealerFire team. There, he oversaw relationships with some of the largest automotive groups in the country and helped steer dealer and product strategy. Now, as VP of Product Management at DealerSocket, Eric leads a global team of specialists in building web-based software. Most notably, he served as the lead Product Manager DealerFire's website platform, as well as DealerSocket's digital retailing solution.
Bill Parlaman
Chief Marketing Officer
Stream Companies

Bill Parlaman is one of the founding thought leaders in digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization space. Prior to joining Stream, Bill founded his own inbound marketing agency and has taken that experience into a leadership role at Stream Companies where he leads a team of sales and marketing professionals, fosters client relationships, and enjoys partnering with dealers to solve their biggest sales and marketing problems.
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Session Description: 

The road to ruling automotive sales in your backyard and beyond is a long one, and your dealership's digital marketing strategy plays a pivotal role. With so much of the car--buyer's journey taking place online, it's crucial to be present when and where people are looking. Chances are, you already leverage and integrate digital marketing channels in some way. Let's take that to a whole new level!

Stream Companies Bill Parlaman and DealerSocket's Eric Giroux join forces for this special webinar to share best practices and real-world success stories to help you reach, capture, and convert more traffic. 

Attendees will learn:

  • How to drive more traffic to your website with multi-channel digital marketing strategies
  • Enhancing the on-site experience for your potential customers with digital retailing tools
  • Streamlining the connection with sales to ensure clicks convert to conversations
  • How to measure, and drive bottom line results from your digital marketing tactics

About the Presenters:

Eric Giroux, VP, Product Management, DealerSocket

After spending time directing digital marketing for a 12-store automotive group in Kansas, Eric Giroux became one of the early members of the DealerFire team. There, he oversaw relationships with some of the largest automotive groups in the country and helped steer dealer and product strategy. Now, as VP of Product Management at DealerSocket, Eric leads a global team of specialists in building web-based software. Most notably, he served as the lead Product Manager DealerFire's website platform, as well as DealerSocket's digital retailing solution.

Bill Parlaman, Chief Marketing Officer, Stream Companies

Bill Parlaman is one of the founding thought leaders in digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization space. Prior to joining Stream, Bill founded his own inbound marketing agency where he helped hundreds of clients maximize their digital marketing efforts for maximum exposure, lead generation, and brand building. As Chief Marketing Officer, Bill has taken that experience into a leadership role at Stream Companies where he leads a team of sales and marketing professionals, foster client relationships, and enjoys partnering with dealers to solve their biggest sales and marketing problems.

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It’s no surprise to anybody that there has been a drastic shift in the car buying experience. With recent events serving as a catalyst for the demand in more modern solutions and processes, it’s no wonder dealerships are struggling to meet the expectations of today’s modern car buyer.

Two of DealerSocket's industry experts (with a combined total of 31 years of automotive experience) are teaming up with Automotive News to present this webinar on Wednesday, November 11 at 2 p.m. EST. It will provide you with useful tips on:

  • How to map the auto buyer's journey end-to-end
  • Key tactics for each stage to meet your buyer's needs
  • How to leverage tools and technology to drive profit for your dealership

We hope you can join us for this hour-long webinar, presented by DealerSocket's very own automotive experts! Anthony Mitchell (Senior Manager, Strategic Growth), and Vince DeMare (Manager, Product Knowledge Experts) will help you map your customer’s journey to the modern buyer's expectations.

Watch the recording!

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Looking for the URL Builder worksheet Brandon shared? Click here.



Session Description:

“I know half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, but I can never find out which half.” – John Wannamaker. If you run ads for your dealership, or track website traffic in Google Analytics, this quote from the 1900s probably sounds a little too true! But there is a solutuon! During this webinar, you’ll learn how to use UTM codes on hyperlinks so you can track website traffic and monitor which marketing efforts are working — down to the campaign, channel, and promotion.

By using UTMs on your clickable links (emails, social media, etc), your dealership can keep marketing companies accountable and track your website visitors’ clicks in Google Analytics. DealerSocket CSM veteran Brandon Alexander joins us on this week’s webinar to talk all things UTMs, including an interactive demo so you can see EXACTLY how it works in Google Analytics.

If you’re trying to make sense of your website traffic reports, or just wondering where your ad dollars are going, this webinar is for you!


About the Presenters:

Brandon Alexander, Sr. Customer Success Manager at DealerSocket, Inc.
Brandon has over 24 years of automotive experience where he started off on the dealer side, spending 5 years as salesperson and internet sales manager at Ontario Motor Sales before joning DealerSocket. He has 14+ years of events under his belt including several auto shows, tire comparison events with Firestone, Goodyear and Pirelli, and vehicle launches. Brandon manages multiple YouTube channels and has held a Google Analytics Individual Qualification for 3 years, has his YouTube Growth Certification, and is in the process of getting his Facebook BluePrint.

Chad Munsey, Manager of Analytics and SEM, DealerSocket, Inc.
Chad Munsey and his team are responsible for driving results for DealerFire website & digital marketing customers, using their exceptional advertising skill to not only maximize ad spend, but move metal as well. A verified expert in Google Ads and Analytics, Chad is a go-to source of knowledge for car dealers who want to know the latest best practices for digital advertising.

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Session Description:

Forging and maintaining a human connection while engaging customers virtually has emerged as a significant challenge for dealers during this period of social distancing. The teams at DealerSocket and ActivEngage will converge for a special webinar to reveal the tools and strategies that are making a difference, as well as share best practices for CRM usage, chat, and digital marketing.


About the Presenters: 

Carol Marshall, Vice President of Operations, ActivEngage

Carol Marshall is a 20-year veteran of the automotive industry. As vice president of operations at ActivEngage, Inc., she’s spent the last 10 years driving results for dealer clients behind the company’s suite of digital services and her team of business development specialists. Marshall has also held executive roles positions for organizations such as Mazda N.A. and AutoNation, including General Sales Manager, Sales Process Manager, and National Manager of eCommerce Field Operations. She also is a cancer survivor and a world-class supermom.

Cavan Robinson, Director of Product Marketing, DealerSocket 

Cavan Robinson was the very first website director of accounts at DealerFire, working with some of the largest dealer groups in the country to enhance their digital presence through content marketing and digital advertising. In his role as Director of Product Marketing at DealerSocket, he leads a team of specialists in go-to-market strategies.


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Session Description:

COVID-19 presented a rapid change in the market that a small number of dealers were prepared for. These businesses enacted proactive communication channels that sync’d with business goals and governmental requirements to aid consumer transparency.

Join Cavan Robinson of DealerSocket, and Stephen Hailey of Honda of Cleveland as they discuss the immediate response to government mandate COVID-19 requirements, and give examples of dealers that hit the ground running with effective consumer messaging.


About the Presenters:

Stephen Hailey, Business Development Manager, Honda of Cleveland

With over 21 years of experience in the automotive industry, Stephen Hailey drives results at Honda of Cleveland (Bowers Automotive Group) as their Business Development Manager. In his career, he has been named National Salesman of the month four times, been named a top dealer in the country, and helped a Nissan dealership reached new heights by achieving $12 million in sales in a brand-new territory. He’s known for his big laugh and even bigger personality, and it’s easy to see why.

Cavan Robinson, Director, Product Marketing, DealerSocket

Cavan Robinson was the very first website director of accounts at DealerFire, working with some of the largest dealer groups in the country on enhancing their digital presence through content marketing and digital advertising. Now, as Director of Product Marketing at DealerSocket, he leads a team of specialists in go to market strategies.

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